" apt-get install bc " past this command in linux terminal (without ")
run this command with "bc" example :- root@kali:~# bc bc 1.06.95 Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details type `warranty'. example to cal :-
root@kali:~# bc bc 1.06.95 Copyright 1991-1994, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details type `warranty'. 1+1 2 for any problem plzz comment or share here http://rockbookzz.blogspot.in/p/idforumembed-typetextjavascript.html
After writing this or Copy-Paste this code hit Enter. > Wait until it running.After running this code successfully you should Restart/Reboot system.After Restart/Reboot system you will notice that your audio is working properly.
some time this doesnt work becouse of user problem but we have three more steps here
Method 2: <i & my crew use this method> > First open your terminal and type lspci and hit enter.Then you will show your audio device which you are using already. > Now type and copy-paste this line and hit enter, sudo apt-get install libasound2 alsa-utils alsa-oss after typing and and copy-paste this code wait some time it installing some package on your system. > After completing install type alsamixer and hit enter.A new window will be open on your terminal. > In this window you will see some channel which are muted.If any of these channels are muted then you will show in the bottom MM.If you enable sound then you should enable it.First you should need to select channel which you want to enable.You could enable it by pressing m button.After enabling it will show 00 instead of MM.Then you will see audio is working properly.
Method 3: (this method many work without root user & if u use in root user it will temorary work) > Open your terminal and type pulseaudio -D Hit enter and you will show "This program is not intended to be run as root(unless --system is specified)" > If we run this at system start up then we will need to edit bashrc file.So type on terminal gedit .bashrc and bashrc open in gedit.(To run it at startup, need to create a new user with name and password and login with user credentials(username and password).) > Go to end of the bashrc file which is opened already and write, pulseaudio -D clear and Save and Restart/Reboot.
Method 4: (last method ) > First open your terminal and type, leafpad /etc/pulse/daemon.conf A configuration file will be open and now we will need to find default-sample-channels , so press Ctrl+f and a box will be open and paste default-sample-channels and hit enter you will find this then we will need to some thing.You will see a semicolon ; default-sample-channels = 2 is before default-sample-channels now you will need to remove this and remove 2 instead of 1 So finally it will like be, default-sample-channels = 1 then save it. > Type on your terminal pulseaudio --start (its return a error like this "This program is not intended to be run as root(unless --system is specified)",but working now) and reboot your system.
steps 2 is best plzz try that.......
That's all.Keep in touch and check next post :) from #rockstardevil
Have you been trying to figure out the easiest way to install Wine on Kali Linux and Debian 8?. This guide will show you how to get wine working on Kali Linux. It�s also essential for running i386 packages on an amd64 version of Kali or Debian Distribution
Wine enables you to run Windows Applications on a Linux box. It�s just a Windows emulator on top of Linux. Wine works on Linux,,FreeBSD,Unixware NetBSD,Unixware,SCO OpenServer 5 and Solaris hence you can smoothly run Windows applications on these systems.
steps-- Typically you�ll need the following to run wine
The compiled Wine binary
A properly configured wine.conf and wine.sym
An installed and working X Window system
Some MS Windows programs to test
Install Wine on Kali Linux , mint and ubuntu (in kali without $)
If you are running Ubuntu and Linux Mint, just enter commands below on your terminal:
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
if you running kali linux just enter commands below on your terminal: ,(without ")
"sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386"
"sudo apt-get update"
than for all linux add this command(in kali without $)
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install wine
$ sudo apt-get install winetricks
Install Wine on Debian Jessie from jessie-backports
With backports, you�ll get latest Wine on your Debian jessie machine, just follow steps below
It will download the packages and install them. After finishing the installation, check again to confirm that the wine have been installed successfully. Type
DONT WORRY WE HAVE SOLUTION FOR EVERYTHINK If you cannot copy and paste the source.list to the specific directory even though as root, you need to type in the terminal
"sudo nautilus"
You will be prompted to enter your password. Enter your password and try again copy and paste the file into the directory.
What's next?
After done replacing the source.list, open your terminal and type these command.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -f install
After you have done all of these steps, you now can enjoy installing.
or if u useing kali 2.0
Retired Kali sana (2.0) Repositories
replace source code from this>>>>
deb http://old.kali.org/kali sana main non-free contrib # For source package access, uncomment the following line # deb-src http://old.kali.org/kali sana main non-free contrib
for Retired Kali moto (1.0) Repositories
deb http://old.kali.org/kali moto main non-free contrib # For source package access, uncomment the following line # deb-src http://old.kali.org/kali moto main non-free contrib
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